Base training for me is the most enjoyable training I get to do all year, no specific zones, no lung bursting efforts; just long days on the bike enjoying great trails or roads and the countryside with friends. 5 months of training lay ahead of me before the first major date on the calendar.
Last year at this point after signing for TORQ Performance I was eager for success. At the moment I’m still talking to teams but the level of interest has been fantastic from both teams and individual sponsors. Im looking forward to putting behind me the team negotiations and the contast emails and phone call.
For 2011 ive planned things a little differeant with less cross country races and more marathon races. Many new and exciting adventures lay ahead next year and this is a huge motivation.
The next race is already on the horizon, the start of the fantastic Brass Monkey Series is just 4 weeks away and once again I hope to compete in all 3 rounds. For me these 4 hour races act as fantastic training, a bonus however is that the events are held on some quality trails which are great fun to ride.
After the final Brass Monkey I’ll conclude my base training and will start building up intensity in preparing for the cross country races that start in March.

Racing at the Brass Monkey Series last winter